Solutions for Common Dental Problems
Because many people don’t enjoy dental visits, they put them off, which can make oral health issues worse. Modern dentistry enables dentists to correct problems and transform any smile. With the sedation options available, you can rest comfortably while your dentist gives you a healthy, vibrant smile.
Discolored or stained teeth
Brushing alone may not remove discolorations cause by tea, coffee, tobacco, or even age. Professional teeth whitening can penetrate stains and lighten teeth up to 10 shades. You can choose from in-office or take-home kits.
Chips and gaps between teeth
With minor cosmetic issues like jagged teeth or space between front teeth, cosmetic bonding can produce beautiful results. In just minutes, your dentist can mask small imperfections with composite resin materials and a curing light.
Mild tooth decay
When you develop cavities, your dentist will remove the damaged tissue and restore the area with a filling. Most dentists currently place all-white fillings because they require less removal of healthy tissue and they won’t compromise your gorgeous image.
Cracked or fractured teeth
For teeth that have sustained extensive damage, you will probably need a dental crown. Also called a cap, a dental crown covers the remaining tooth structure above the gum line, re-establishing the strength and stability of the injured tooth.
Missing teeth
If you have lost teeth due to trauma or disease, your dentist may suggest dental implants. Designed to create an artificial tooth root and crown, a dental implant looks and functions like your original dentition. Dentures and partial dentures are also available to give you a complete smile.
Schedule your next visit at Comfort Dental Weymouth today! Cosmetic and Implant Dentist in Weymouth MA