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If You Need a Root Canal


Very few dental procedures receive as much negative attention as root canal therapy. If you ask most people, they would rather do anything else besides have a root canal. While the experience won’t ever make your Top Ten list, a root canal doesn’t have to be traumatic. In most cases, the procedure isn’t any worse than getting a dental crown.

Why would I need a root canal?
Your tooth contains three layers: a hard coating of enamel, a layer of dentin, and a soft inner core called pulp. The pulp nourishes the tooth and provides adequate blood flow. If your tooth sustains severe trauma or deep decay, the pulp may be compromised and die. When this happens, pressure and infection build up. Your dentist will perform a root canal to save the tooth and rejuvenate your smile.

What is a root canal?
During this procedure, your dentist will clean out the damaged tissue, sterilize the inside of the tooth, and seal the area to prevent future problems. After a root canal, you will probably need a crown to restore the tooth.

Is it painful?
With modern sedation options, your dentist can keep your comfortable throughout the procedure. Though you may feel a little soreness afterwards, any pain you feel is probably from the infection in the tooth. Usually, over-the-counter analgesics will relieve any mild discomfort.

Why doesn’t the dentist just pull my tooth?
For optimal oral health, you need all your teeth. Whenever possible, your dentist will try to preserve your natural teeth. Root canal therapy is one way to do this.


When you look your best, you exude confidence and grace. One of the features that people notice immediately is your smile. Because few people have a naturally perfect smile, they often seek help from their dentists. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on correcting stained, misshapen, or missing teeth and producing a sensational image.

A recent study found that individuals with bright, white smiles are seen as more intelligent, attractive, and successful. Even subtle changes, such as teeth whitening, can transform your appearance. Often, cosmetic dentistry includes:

•    Porcelain Veneers
Thin pieces of porcelain, veneers are permanently placed over front teeth to cover imperfections. Designed to mimic the translucency of tooth enamel, veneers generate beautiful, naturally-looking results.

•    Bonding
For small chips or gaps, your dentist may suggest bonding, a process that involves the use of tooth-colored materials to renew your smile’s appearance.

•    Teeth Whitening
The aging process, certain foods and beverages, and tobacco use can stain teeth and make you look older. Professional teeth whitening can remove discolorations and brighten teeth up to 10 shades. Both in-office and at-home professional bleaching are available, so check with your dentist to see what options they offer for patients.

•    Invisalign
Though many adults would love a straighter smile, most don’t want to tarnish their mature images. Invisalign clear braces, a series of custom aligners, will gently and discreetly shift teeth into the correct position, resulting in a gorgeous smile without the embarrassment of metal braces.

•    Dental implants
Just one missing tooth can cause oral health problems, such as shifting teeth, gaps in your smile, and alignment issues. Made from biocompatible titanium, a dental implant is a small post that acts as the foundation for a permanent crown. Implants can replace one or more missing teeth.


If taking a bite of ice cream causes discomfort in your mouth, you may be experiencing teeth sensitivity. Often, people feel unpleasant sensations when they eat anything that is hot, cold, or sweet. Teeth sensitivity can be caused by enamel wear, tooth damage, overzealous brushing, and whitening products.

To remedy your sensitivity and give your mouth relief, follow these tips:

Use a good toothpaste
Several companies make toothpaste designed to lessen your discomfort by desensitizing your teeth. Apply the paste directly to the teeth and allow it to sit for several minutes for the best results.

Watch what you eat
Acidic foods and drinks, like tomatoes, sodas, and orange juice, can erode enamel, which contributes to teeth sensitivity.

Resist the urge to over whiten
You can attain a brilliant smile, but don’t go crazy with teeth whitening. One side effect of these products is sensitive teeth; however, the issue tends to resolve itself once you finish the treatment course.

Take care when you brush
If you brush for too long, too harshly, or use hard bristles, your teeth may become sensitive.

Talk to your dentist
When sensitivity persists, mention the problem to your dentist. Sometimes, a sensitive tooth can indicate a cavity, so your dentist may want to check your mouth to rule out decay.

Avoid extreme temperature
Stay away from anything that is really hot or really cold because these temperature changes can exacerbate the situation.


When a woman is pregnant, her body experiences many changes. Feet swell, food cravings occur, and her stomach expands to make room for the growing baby. A woman’s health is also impacted by pregnancy, so it’s important to take care of your teeth.

While X-rays or cosmetic procedures should be avoided, you should schedule a routine check up. Most doctors recommend making this appointment during your second trimester. A professional cleaning and exam will help keep your mouth in top health.

With pregnancy, the excess hormone levels make your teeth and gums more susceptible to bacteria and plaque build up. Many women develop pregnancy gingivitis because of the extra bacteria in the mouth. Signs include swollen or bleeding gums, space between teeth, and bad breath. If you experience these symptoms, make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

Left untreated, pregnancy gingivitis can turn into periodontal disease (gum disease). Although gum disease is a concern for everyone, it can cause serious issues for pregnant women. Research has linked periodontal disease to pre-term labor and low-birth weight in women who don’t receive treatment for the condition. Additionally, gum disease can wreak havoc on your mouth, causing bone degeneration and tooth loss.

To keep your teeth and gums healthy during pregnancy, follow these tips:
•    Remember to brush twice a day and floss regularly
•    Eat a balanced diet
•    If you have morning sickness, rinse your mouth after vomiting
•    Contact your dentist if you experience any problems


A good percentage of dental consumers don’t currently have a general dentist. If you are looking for a dental provider for yourself or family, the task may seem overwhelming. It’s important to select someone you feel comfortable with and who fits your personality. You can make the search process easier with these helpful hints:

Ask others
Talk with friends, family, and co-workers about which dentists they use. Referrals are a great way to get the process started. You can also use the Internet as a valuable resource in your search.

Make a consultation appointment
Establishing a good relationship from the beginning is important, so schedule a consultation to meet your top choices and get a feel for their offices. This appointment is your opportunity to ask questions and gather basic information.

Evaluate the dentist’s skills and knowledge
Find out what professional organizations the dentist belongs to and how much importance he or she places on continuing education. Dentists are required to take a certain number of hours, but good providers generally exceed those levels. Some even make the time to teach, such as Dr. Yolanda Cruz, who is a clinical instructor and the faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto.

Check the dentist’s work
Most providers will have testimonials from satisfied patients. They may also have Before and After photos that will give you a chance to see some of the doctor’s handiwork. For example, you can view pictures of actual patient dental work on the website of Dr. Yolanda Cruz.

Start small
After your consultation, schedule a cleaning. During this visit, observe how the dentist and staff respond to you. Are they attentive to your needs? Do they make you feel valued and welcome? Feeling at ease with the dentist will help you commit to achieving and maintaining optimal oral health.


We often hear about how sugary treats and simple carbohydrates aren’t good for our waist lines or our teeth. Though it’s good to know what to avoid, knowing which foods promote oral health is even better. Take a look at this list of foods and beverages that will help keep your smile healthy and strong:

Not only does raw celery promote saliva production, which helps wash food and bacteria from your mouth, but it also has natural abrasive properties that massage gums.

Green tea
Regularly drinking green tea can kill oral bacteria that cause plaque because of potent antioxidants called catechins. As well, these catechins remove the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Kiwi fruit
Rich in vitamin C, kiwis provide this vital nutrient, which keep the collagen network in the gingival in good working order. When this network is compromised, bacteria can weaken the gums, resulting in inflammation and bleeding.

Often served with sushi, this Japanese horse-radish contains a substance called isothiocyanates that make it very hot. Isothiocyanates have been shown to inhibit the development of cavities.

Shitake mushrooms
Researchers have recently discovered that shitake mushrooms contain lentinan, a special sugar that prevents the formation of plaque.

When you drink water, you can maintain good saliva production and keep your gums healthy, so try to consume eight glasses each day. If you can’t brush after eating, rinsing with water can help rinse debris and keep harmful bacteria in check.


Your diet impacts your overall wellness. Making good choices will keep your body healthy, including teeth and gums. We all know that you should get plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. Certain foods and beverages provide particular benefit to your mouth.

Milk and yogurt
Low-fat milk and unsweetened yogurt are low acid foods. These options reduce the acid erosion that can weaken tooth enamel. Dairy choices, including cheese, also have the calcium you need for strong teeth and bones.

Green tea
Several benefits come from green tea. The antioxidant plant compounds, called polyphenols, in the tea prevent plaque from sticking to teeth, reducing your chances of developing tooth decay and gum disease. Green tea may also help control bad breath.

Because onions contain powerful antibacterial compounds, they kill various bacteria that inhabit your mouth. Raw onions offer the most benefit.

Apples, celery, and carrots
These crunchy foods massage gums and clean between teeth, promoting a healthy mouth.

Sesame seeds
High in calcium, sesame seeds help build enamel, and they also slough off plaque, lessening the chances of cavity development.

Animal protein
Lean cuts of chicken, turkey, and beef, as well as eggs, contain phosphorous, which works with calcium to strengthen our bones.

Drinking H2O keeps your mouth hydrated and helps with saliva production. Saliva acts as a natural cleanser, washing away food debris and bacteria from your mouth.


If you have the urge to drink lots of water or you wake up with a sticky feeling in your mouth, you may suffer from dry mouth. Saliva plays an important role in oral health by rinsing away plaque and cavity-causing bacteria; dry mouth occurs when saliva levels are low. Not only does dry mouth feel uncomfortable, individuals with dry mouth are more prone to tooth decay and gum disease. Also, this condition can make eating, swallowing, and talking more difficult.

Medication, certain conditions, nerve damage, and lifestyle choices can make increase the likelihood of dry mouth. During your checkup, let your dentist know if you have any signs of dry mouth because it can lead to other dental problems. Common symptoms include frequent thirst, a parched feeling in the mouth, burning or tingling sensations, and bad breath.

Patients who suffer from dry mouth should talk with their dentists to find effective ways of dealing with this problem. These helpful tips may ease your dry mouth:

•    Carry a water bottle with you all day and take frequent sips
•    Have water before, during, and after meals
•    Avoid very hot or very cold beverages
•    Choose sugar-free drinks and stay away from carbonated options
•    Suck on sugarless candy or chew sugarless gum because it promotes saliva production
•    If you use mouthwash, read the labels and choose an alcohol-free rinse
•    Limit alcohol consumption and tobacco use
•    Consider a humidifier at night to add moisture to the air


Though bad breath, also called halitosis, isn’t a life threatening issue, it can wreak havoc on your personal and professional life. From time to time, most people experience bad breath. Usually, something you eat or nasal congestion will cause episodes of less than fresh breath. Unfortunately, some people have chronic halitosis, which can be quite frustrating. Consistent problems with bad breath usually occur because of poor oral hygiene, certain medical conditions, dry mouth, and lifestyle choices such as smoking.

Follow these tips to help keep your breath fresh and clean:
•    Prioritize daily oral care. Make sure you brush after each meal and floss at least once a day to remove food debris, a major contributor to bad breath, from your mouth.

•    Don’t forget your tongue. Often the germs that produce unpleasant odors linger on your tongue. Brushing your tongue or using a tongue scraper can help.

•    Avoid temporary fixes. Mints and mouthwashes can actually dry out your mouth, which will make bad breath worse.

•    Drink lots of water. By consuming enough water, you will increase saliva production and reduce dry mouth.

•    Change your tooth brush regularly. Replace the brush every three to four months because old toothbrushes harbor bacteria.

•    Chew sugarless gum. Like water consumption, chewing sugarless gum promotes saliva levels.

•    Stop smoking. Although this is difficult, dropping your nicotine habit will give you fresher breath and improve your health.

•    Talk with your dentist. In some cases, your doctor may recommend special toothpaste and rinses that are formulated to address chronic halitosis.


Healthy teeth are maintained not only by proper hygiene, but also by eating a nutritious diet. Certain vitamins and minerals promote oral health. In order to keep your smile strong and attractive, try including these ingredients in your diet.

Vitamin A
Your tooth enamel contains a protein called keratin, which needs vitamin A in order to form. This means that vitamin A strengthens your enamel. It also boosts your immune system, helping to fight infections in your mouth. Some foods with vitamin A are beef, eggs, liver, salmon, fortified milk, and some cheeses.

Vitamin C
Also called ascorbic acid, vitamin C is vital in developing, maintaining, and repairing your body’s tissues, bones, and teeth. Studies show that people consuming lower amounts of vitamin C are more likely to have gum disease. Because vitamin C is water-soluble, it is washed from the body once it has all it needs, making it necessary to access this vitamin daily. Some sources of vitamin C are fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, and spinach.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays an important role in helping your body absorb and use calcium, which is responsible for strong, healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D can be supplemented or received through exposure to sunlight. It is also found in some foods like fortified cereals and milk, egg yolks, and fish.

Calcium is a crucial mineral needed to create and maintain your teeth and bones. You must supply your body calcium in your diet to ensure good health. Calcium is obtained in foods like cheese, milk, leafy green vegetables, and yogurt.

Vitamin K
This vitamin strengthens your tooth enamel by helping to bind calcium to your teeth and bones. It can also avert tooth decay by preventing acid from hanging onto your teeth. Vitamin A is found in soybeans, dairy products, and green vegetables.

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