Choose Foods that Protect Your Smile
People do many things to take care of their teeth and gums. Regular brushing, frequent flossing, and dental checkups help keep your smile at its best. Sometimes, we forget that the foods and beverages we consume also impact our dental health. The following choices can help by getting rid of plaque, strengthening enamel, and freshening breath.
Biting down on abrasive foods like celery stimulates gums and removes debris from your teeth. The extra chewing required to eat celery also keeps saliva flowing in your mouth, which neutralizes acids and washes away bacteria.
Low in carbohydrates and high in calcium and phosphates, cheese has several benefits, including balancing the pH in your mouth, strengthening enamel, and encouraging saliva production.
Green tea
The catechins in green tea wipe out the bacteria in your mouth that convert sugar to plaque as well as eliminate the sources of bad breath.
Kiwi fruit
You need Vitamin C for your overall wellness and dental health. Most people don’t realize that a large kiwi contains over 100 percent of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin C.
The powerful antibacterial sulfur compounds in onions will kill many of the bacteria that wreak havoc in your mouth.
To maintain sweet-smelling breath, chew on some sprigs of parsley after a meal.
Sesame seeds
By studying fossils, anthropologists have determined that our ancestors had strong teeth, possibly because they often consumed foods such as seeds, which remove plaque and build up tooth enamel. Sesame seeds are a good choice since they contain calcium, a mineral that preserves your teeth.
It’s time to schedule your next visit at Weymouth Smiles, Weymouth, MA dental practice.