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The Truth About Root Canal Therapy


If taking a bite of ice cream causes discomfort in your mouth, you may be experiencing teeth sensitivity. Often, people feel unpleasant sensations when they eat anything that is hot, cold, or sweet. Teeth sensitivity can be caused by enamel wear, tooth damage, overzealous brushing, and whitening products.

To remedy your sensitivity and give your mouth relief, follow these tips:

Use a good toothpaste
Several companies make toothpaste designed to lessen your discomfort by desensitizing your teeth. Apply the paste directly to the teeth and allow it to sit for several minutes for the best results.

Watch what you eat
Acidic foods and drinks, like tomatoes, sodas, and orange juice, can erode enamel, which contributes to teeth sensitivity.

Resist the urge to over whiten
You can attain a brilliant smile, but don’t go crazy with teeth whitening. One side effect of these products is sensitive teeth; however, the issue tends to resolve itself once you finish the treatment course.

Take care when you brush
If you brush for too long, too harshly, or use hard bristles, your teeth may become sensitive.

Talk to your dentist
When sensitivity persists, mention the problem to your dentist. Sometimes, a sensitive tooth can indicate a cavity, so your dentist may want to check your mouth to rule out decay.

Avoid extreme temperature
Stay away from anything that is really hot or really cold because these temperature changes can exacerbate the situation.

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