Makeover Your Smile with Orthodontia

Is your smile in need of a little work? Do you have crooked, gapped or misaligned teeth? Your smile might benefit from a visit to an orthodontist who can put you on a path to a total smile makeover.

An orthodontist can provide you with the means to achieve a straight and beautiful “new” smile. Braces can correct many dental problems, such as crooked teeth. When your teeth are misaligned, they often have bite issues. Teeth that aren’t straight are more difficult to clean thoroughly, resulting in a higher likelihood of food and debris remaining on the teeth and leading to a buildup of plaque and bacteria. This buildup causes tooth decay and disease, and if left untreated, can lead to root canal treatments or tooth extractions. When your orthodontist straightens your teeth, your mouth is more likely to be in good health, and your oral hygiene habits will be easier to perform.

When your teeth are aligned properly, you chew your food more thoroughly, something that greatly improves digestion. Misaligned bites can muddle speech and make eating difficult. A poor bite can lead to headaches or pain in the face, jaw or neck. Making over your smile with braces can prevent or reverse these symptoms.

Straight teeth are also ultimately more durable than crooked teeth. Uneven tooth surfaces can result in an uneven bite, causing damage as the upper and lower teeth come together as you chew or talk. Chips and cracks in the tooth surface can lead to tooth decay and loss.

A smile makeover using braces can result in a beautiful, natural smile that boosts your self-esteem and allows you to put your best self forward in any situation. Talk to your orthodontist to see if a smile makeover using braces is right for you.

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A Total Wash: Does Mouthwash Really Help?

Although many people use mouthwash to freshen their breath or help fight cavities and gum disease, mouthwash may do more harm than good. Over-the-counter (OTC) rinses only mask bad breath and don’t really address the cause of the problem. Because one of the main ingredients in OTC mouthwash is alcohol, frequent use can result in dry mouth and other unpleasant side effects like a burning sensation in your mouth or intoxication when ingested. Some people consider mouthwash a substitute for brushing and flossing, which can lead to a greater risk for oral health problems such as cavities and gum disease.

Research studies in both Brazil and Australia have identified an increased risk of oral cancer with excessive use of mouthwash. These studies found that mouthwash users were about nine times more likely to develop oral cancer. The ethanol, or pure alcohol, found in many OTC mouthwashes may damage the lining of the mouth and allow cancer-causing agents to more easily cause problems. As well, acetaldehyde, a toxic by-product of alcohol, may build up in the mouth and lead to increased risk of oral cancer. An alternative to OTC mouthwash can be mixing half a teaspoon of baking soda in one-fourth a cup of water.

In some cases, your dentist may prescribe an antibacterial mouthwash or rinse. Patients with more serious problems like extensive decay or periodontal disease may benefit from using this type of rinse. These products differ from OTC mouthwashes because they contain anti-plaque, anti gingivitis, or anti-cavity fluoride ingredients and can only be obtained through your dentist.

We care about your dental health at Comfort Dental – give us a call to schedule an appointment today at our Weymouth MA dental office!

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Questions to Ask Before Professional Teeth Whitening

The quality of your smile is a crucial part of the image you portray to the world. If you are unhappy with the look of your smile, people may perceive you negatively and your self-esteem will suffer. Teeth whitening is an easy and effective way to brighten your smile and boost your self-confidence. Before you pursue professional teeth whitening, here are some questions you may want to pose to your dental professional:

  • Am I a good candidate for professional whitening treatment? Although most patients are good candidates for professional whitening, certain conditions may preclude you from achieving the results you are seeking.
  • How much whitening do you recommend to improve my smile? To appear most natural, the general rule of thumb is to have the color of your teeth match the shade of the whites of your eyes.
  • Will whitening treatments damage my tooth enamel? When used properly, professional whitening treatments do not harm dental enamel.
  • How will whitening affect my existing dental restorations such as fillings, crowns or veneers? Whitening does not pose a risk to restorations, but it will also not lighten your restorations and could cause them to need replacement to match the new, lighter shade of your teeth.
  • How long will the whitening results last? Teeth whitening is not permanent, but with proper care can last as long as two years.
  • Will whitening treatments make my teeth sensitive? Sensitivity from teeth whitening usually dissipates within days of treatment. There is no evidence that teeth whitening treatment has a harmful effect on the health of the tooth’s nerve, which would cause extended sensitivity.

Professional teeth whitening is an easy way to boost your self-confidence. Contact our Weymouth MA dental office to find out more about the options for teeth whitening we provide, and you could soon be sporting a dazzling new smile.

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What to Expect Following Root Canal Treatment

Because of a history of negative portrayals of root canal therapies in the media, they are often feared, dreaded and postponed. If you are about to have root canal therapy, don’t be afraid. You can have a comfortable procedure and recover quickly and completely.

Your gum tissue may be sore because of the clips used on the dental dam that protects and isolates the tooth from the surrounding area. It should abate within 48 hours. The tooth itself may be sore, as the tissues that surround the tooth may be inflamed. Treat this pain with over-the-counter medications that have anti-inflammatory properties like ibuprofen or aspirin. If you were prescribed pain medication by your endodontist, be certain any additional medications you take are appropriate.

If you are taking narcotic pain relievers prescribed by your doctor, take them only as recommended. Because they can make you feel dizzy or sleepy, do not drive while you are taking them.

Don’t eat anything while your mouth is still numb. You might bite your tongue or cheek and do damage to your soft tissues. Don’t bite on hard foods on the affected tooth until your endodontist tells you it is fully restored.

Any remaining infection that you have will typically need to be treated with antibiotics. Take each pill as recommended by your doctor. Don’t stop before you have taken them all, or you could leave some traces of the infection behind, putting your root canal treatment at risk of failure.

If you are experiencing a fever or a severe pain that persists beyond your analgesics, talk to your endodontist. If your filling feels loose or falls out, contact your doctor immediately. If you have pain or swelling that extends up your cheek or if your tooth breaks, cracks or hurts when you bite down, you need to call. Your endodontist will give you the advice you need to resolve your particular issue.

Root canal dentist in Weymouth, MA

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How a Dental Crown or Bridge Can Improve Your Smile

Severely damaged, injured or diseased teeth can lead to not only cosmetic problems with your smile, but also functional ones. Your dentist may recommend dental crowns or dental bridges to treat your dental issues.

Dental crowns are a restorative dental therapy that covers the affected tooth completely, serving as the new outer surface of the tooth. A dental crown maintains the natural roots of a tooth and can prevent extraction. A dental bridge fills the gap left by one or more missing teeth and is affixed to bordering teeth with an anchoring crown.

Both dental crowns and dental bridges are made from a variety of materials that can be designed to match the color of your surrounding natural teeth. As opposed to removable prosthodontics such as full or partial dentures, dental crowns and bridges are permanently bonded to existing teeth or dental implants, allowing them to function and appear as natural teeth.

Dental crowns and bridges have a number of advantages and benefits, such as:

Dental crowns protect the natural tooth after a root canal therapy, helping to prevent bacteria re-infecting the tooth that could lead to extraction.

Dental bridges restore gapped or missing teeth, providing support to the surrounding teeth, preventing them from shifting in to fill the empty space and affecting your speech, bite and smile.

Your dentist can typically place dental crowns and bridges in as few as two appointments.

Dental crowns and bridges are both long-lasting, durable therapies, designed to protect your natural tooth for years to come.

Dental crowns prevent bone loss by preserving the natural tooth roots, thereby stimulating the jawbone, preventing resorption, or shrinkage, of the bone following extraction.

If you have questions about what a dental crown or bridge can do to improve the form and function of your smile, talk to your dental professional today. You can restore your healthy smile and preserve it for years to come with a dental crown or dental bridge treatment.

Family and general dentist in Weymouth, MA

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Materials Used in Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is the name for any type of dental work that improves the patient’s overall dental aesthetic appearance. It can include treatments such as bonding, tooth implants, dental crowns and bridges, resin composite or porcelain veneers, gum grafts and/or the removal of the gum tissue or tooth structure. Braces and tooth whitening are also considered cosmetic dental procedures.

Over the years, advancements in cosmetic dentistry materials have given more options than ever for patients seeking a smile makeover. Porcelain and zirconium have lasting strength, and are both excellent at reflecting light, allowing for the most natural cosmetic restorations available. Because each patient’s teeth are different, other materials such as gold, palladium, or resin composite could be the best choice. Your cosmetic dentist will guide you in making a choice.

Dental crowns and bridges can be made of metal, including palladium or gold alloys, or base-metal nickel or chromium alloys. Metal provides the longest-lasting of the crown and bridge materials with regard to wearing down. They are not known to break or chip, and they do not affect the opposing teeth over time. Their metallic color is their greatest drawback, and they are most suitable for back teeth, where they can be hidden.

Porcelain can be fused to different metals, allowing for a very natural look for crown or bridge cosmetic dentistry treatments. They can chip over time, and discoloration can occur at the gum line if any metal other than zirconium has been used. Dental composite resin crowns and bridges are a popular choice, but can also chip over time. All-porcelain and all-ceramic dental crowns and bridges look the most like your natural teeth, and are the most natural-appearing of the available cosmetic dentistry materials.

Veneers can be made from composite resin materials or from porcelain. Porcelain appears more natural than resin materials, and resists stains better over time. Resin veneers tend to be thinner than porcelain veneers, and will require less shaving of the natural tooth before application.

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How Smoking Impacts Oral Health

Countless warnings have made people aware of the damaging affect smoking has on your general health. Often, people forget that every puff of a cigarette goes through the lips, tongue, teeth, and gums. Though quitting can be difficult and may take several attempts, the payoff is worth your effort.

Smoking makes a negative impact on oral health, including:

Increased risk of oral cancer
Though some individuals with no risk factors battle oral cancer, tobacco use exponentially raises the odds that a person may develop cancer of the mouth, tongue, throat, or lips. Because oral cancer is often discovered in the later stages, the survival rate is low.

Problems with gum disease
Compared with non-smokers, gum disease in smokers moves more rapidly. As well, smoking generates more bacterial plaque in your mouth and it diminishes the oxygen in your blood, which slows down healing.

More cavities
Since smoking causes excessive plaque build-up and contributes to gum disease, it makes sense that the risk for tooth decay also increases. Smokers have three times as many cavities as individuals who don’t smoke.

Trouble with bad breath
Over 4,000 chemicals pass through your mouth every time you smoke, and some of them stay in your oral cavitiy, which can give you halitosis. You can also develop dry mouth because smoking often decreases saliva output.

Stains on Teeth
Typically, people want a bright, white smile. The nicotine and tar in cigarettes actually leaves unattractive, yellow discolorations on your teeth. With time, these stains can seep into tiny cracks in the enamel, resulting in permanent changes to your smile’s appearance.

Family dentist in Weymouth, MA

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The Most Popular Treatments in Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentists have a wide range of skills, developed over time to address aesthetic issues, but not necessarily the function of a patient’s teeth, bite or gums. While the American Dental Association does not officially recognize cosmetic dentistry as a specialty niche of dentistry, there are a plethora of dentists who identify themselves as cosmetic dentists. Prosthodontics and orthodontics both focus on the appearance of your teeth, providing several popular services.

Cosmetic dentistry can refer to the addition of porcelain or resin composite to the teeth in order to maximize the effects of your smile. Examples of these treatments are resin bonding and porcelain veneers. Dental crowns and dental bridges are also choices.

Bonding or veneers are popular treatments that can be used to change the shape of a single tooth. Bonding can last for several years, but is more vulnerable to chipping and staining than a veneer. A cosmetic dentist can reshape and contour your teeth for a more attractive smile and to help correct minor problems with bite.

Sometimes severe gum disease can lead to the need for gum grafts in order to maintain the health of the surrounding teeth. A severely decayed tooth can be cause for extraction or removal of a significant portion of the tooth structure.

Teeth whitening is another example of a common cosmetic dentistry treatment. While many at-home products are available to whiten and brighten your teeth, the most effective whitening is done in the dentist’s office and is supervised by your cosmetic dentist.

Gums that are too dark can lead to self-consciousness. Gum depigmentation is a therapy you are able to discuss with your cosmetic dentist.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of whatever treatment you choose for your teeth, consult your cosmetic dentist today. He or she will be able to answer questions such as:

  • What will I look like after treatment?
  • What should I expect during my treatment?
  • How long will my results last?
  • How do I maintain my new smile?

Talk to your cosmetic dentist in Weymouth MA to see what positive changes can come from your treatment!

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Root Canal Treatment: Frequently Asked Questions

You don’t need to let the term “root canal” strike fear in your heart. Root canal treatment is required when the nerve inside the tooth has become severely damaged or infected. There are many misconceptions about root canals that can easily be dispelled with answers to a few important questions:

What is root canal treatment? Root canal treatment describes the procedure of cleaning the infected pulp (nerve) of the tooth, refilling it so the tooth can remain strong, and sealing the root canals to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Are there alternatives to a root canal? The only alternatives are to either leave the tooth alone or have it extracted. Leaving the tooth is not a good idea because waiting will allow the infection to worsen and potentially spread to the gums and jawbone. Root canal treatment will save the tooth by treating and sealing the root canals.

Is root canal treatment painful? With modern technology and various anesthetic solutions, it is rare to have any pain during treatment. The procedure is no more uncomfortable than getting a filling. While you may have heard horror stories about root canal pain, root canal treatment actually relieves the pain caused by inflamed and infection tissues and nerves.

What can I expect from recovery? Your teeth may feel sensitive, but any discomfort should go away within 24-48 hours. Taking an over-the-counter pain medication or anti-inflammatory should lesson any post-treatment discomfort you may experience. Depending on how damaged the tooth is, you may need to return for a follow-up appointment to place a crown or other restoration to complete the treatment.

A root canal is one of the most common procedures performed by dentists and is a safe and effective alternative to extraction of an infected tooth.
If you need root canal treatment in Weymouth MA, contact our office today.

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Materials Used in Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is the name for any type of dental work that improves the patient’s overall dental aesthetic appearance. It can include treatments such as bonding, tooth implants, dental crowns and bridges, resin composite or porcelain veneers, gum grafts and/or the removal of the gum tissue or tooth structure. Braces and tooth whitening are also considered cosmetic dental procedures.

Over the years, advancements in cosmetic dentistry materials have given more options than ever for patients seeking a smile makeover. Porcelain and zirconium have lasting strength, and are both excellent at reflecting light, allowing for the most natural cosmetic restorations available. Because each patient’s teeth are different, other materials such as gold, palladium, or resin composite could be the best choice. Your cosmetic dentist will guide you in making a choice.

Dental crowns and bridges can be made of metal, including palladium or gold alloys, or base-metal nickel or chromium alloys. Metal provides the longest-lasting of the crown and bridge materials with regard to wearing down. They are not known to break or chip, and they do not affect the opposing teeth over time. Their metallic color is their greatest drawback, and they are most suitable for back teeth, where they can be hidden.
Porcelain can be fused to different metals, allowing for a very natural look for crown or bridge cosmetic dentistry treatments. They can chip over time, and discoloration can occur at the gum line if any metal other than zirconium has been used. Dental composite resin crowns and bridges are a popular choice, but can also chip over time. All-porcelain and all-ceramic dental crowns and bridges look the most like your natural teeth, and are the most natural-appearing of the available cosmetic dentistry materials.

Veneers can be made from composite resin materials or from porcelain. Porcelain appears more natural than resin materials, and resists stains better over time. Resin veneers tend to be thinner than porcelain veneers, and will require less shaving of the natural tooth before application.

Dentist in Weymouth, MA

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