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Signs You Could Benefit From Sedation Dentistry


Sedation dentistry at our Weymouth dental office helps patients get the care they need for their teeth and can turn an otherwise stressful experience into a comfortable dental visit. Initially developed to focus on patients with special needs and those with acute dental phobias, it has progressed to be utilized by a wide range of patient groups.

Putting off dental care can affect all levels of your health. Even regular cleanings are shown to improve overall health. Untreated issues can lead to bad breath, gingivitis or periodontitis, bone loss, acute gum disease, or other serious issues.

Have you put off your dental care? Have you have been wondering if a faster, more comfortable and relaxed dental experience could benefit you? If so, see if some of the symptoms below are relatable to you.

  • You miss regular check-ups and postpone care.
  • You experience anxiety at the mere thought of a dental visit.
  • It has been years since your last dental examination.
  • The sights, sounds, and smells of a dental office cause you to feel uncomfortable and tense.
  • You feel exhausted after a dental visit. Your muscles are tired and sore.
  • You have an acute gag reflex and worry about vomiting during a dental procedure.
  • You have difficulty getting numb during procedures.
  • You have a physical condition such as Parkinson’s disease or cerebral palsy that causes you to make involuntary movements.
  • You have TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint disorder) or are unable to keep your mouth open for long periods of time.
  • Your jaw might be sore for days after a dental visit.
  • You need extensive, painful or treatments over several visits, such as gum surgery, bone grafting or extractions.
  • You have a fearful and anxious child who won’t follow instructions or sit still during a dental visit.
  • You desire the most comfortable dental experience possible.

Does even one of these descriptions ring true for you? If so, talk to your dentist about sedation dentistry today! Don’t wait to enjoy the optimal level of oral care available to you.

Our dental office is located in Weymouth


One of the most commonly used sedatives in dentistry is nitrous oxide, often referred to as laughing gas. It provides an effective technique in sedation dentistry, allowing patients to feel carefree and happy and pain-free. If used correctly by qualified dentists, nitrous oxide is a safe and valuable sedative.

Nitrous oxide is typically used when patients experience mild to moderate anxiety or fear when seeing the dentist for treatment. The gentle sedative properties of this gas helps patients who are not in extreme panic, but simply need calming.

One appealing thing about nitrous oxide is that it is administered by inhaling it through a mask placed over the nose. There are no needles required, which is a great benefit to many nervous patients. Another plus is that patients remain awake and aware of the environment during treatment, but are no longer anxious or upset about what is happening.

Some additional benefits of nitrous oxide include:

  • The sedation level may be adjusted at any time during treatment.
  • Since the healthcare professionals have control over the nitrous oxide at all times, it is a very safe choices and nearly impossible to overdose.
  • It works quickly, with the calming effects taking place in under three minutes of being administered.
  • Lengthy or complicated dental procedures can be performed while the patient is content and often unaware of the time spend in the dental chair. This also increases the dentist’s ability to perform multiple procedures in one visit.
  • Nitrous oxide is safe for patients with medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and epilepsy.

Sedation dentist in Weymouth


Sedation dentistry is designed mainly to focus on patients experiencing fear and anxiety related to dental treatment; however, it is also an excellent choice for other patient types. Following are the main groups who experience relief and comfort from sedation dentistry:

  • Patients experiencing anxiety and fear or a dental phobia
  • Patients possessing an acute gag reflex
  • Patients who have special needs
  • Patients with physical issues that affect movement
  • Anxious or fearful pediatric patients

Dental professionals want a patient to be as stress-free as possible immediately prior to and during a dental visit. Relieving anxiety and fear can turn an unpleasant, stressful experience into a comfortable visit, resulting in a desire to continue dental health and hygiene by returning for regular examinations and procedures.

An acute gag reflex can leave a patient concerned about vomiting during a dental procedure; in fact, many procedures such as taking impressions or working on the back teeth may be impossible. Sedation dentistry helps patients greatly reduce this gag reflex issue, as it is often exacerbated by anxiety and fear.

Patients who have special needs related to autism, Down Syndrome, or a mental or emotional problem may have real difficulty during dental visits. Other patients may deal with physical conditions such as cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, or other disorders of the central nervous system. Patients in this group may have difficulty following instructions or remaining still. Sedation dentistry solves issues of involuntary muscle movements, allowing the dentist to safely and quickly complete treatment.

Fearful children can be problematic for dentists. Children who cannot be still, comply with instructions, or stop crying can cause time-consuming safety issues. Sedation dentistry allows a dentist to perform treatments without physical restraints that could cause emotional trauma to the child, leading to adult dental phobias and fears.

Visiting the dentist and caring for your dental health should be comfortable. Contact our dental office to see what can be done to make your visit as stress-free as possible using sedation dentistry in Weymouth.


Sedation dentistry allows patients with dental anxiety to undergo procedures painlessly and without fear. While dental sedation is considered extremely safe, any time a patient is undergoing anesthesia there are risks associated with the procedure. The first and most important step in ensuring the safety of dental sedation is to find a qualified and appropriately trained sedation dentist. It’s important to ask how many sedation procedures your dentist has performed, as well as they type of training they have received.

Once you have identified an experienced sedation dentist, they will determine if you are a suitable candidate for sedation. Patients who are obese or have other conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea are more prone to complications from anesthesia and may not be viable candidates for sedation. Your sedation dentist should review your general health and medical history to determine if you are at a higher risk for complications while under sedation.

Discuss with your dental professional the type and amount of sedation you will be receiving. Your sedation dentist should provide you with information about the risks of the procedure, and be available to answer any questions or concerns you have about the planned sedation. Finally, your vital signs should be monitored during sedation, and your dentist should have oxygen and drugs that reverse the sedation effects available during the procedure.

When properly administered by an experienced sedation dentist, dental sedation can be a safe and effective tool for managing your dental anxiety. Sedation dentistry allows you to receive the oral healthcare you need without pain or undue stress.

If you are considering sedation dentistry in Weymouth, contact our office today to schedule a consultation.


Some of the main reasons many people don’t like to visit the dentist is due to the pain involved with some procedures, or simply the fear of the experience. That’s why dentistry has come up with a way to provide people with dental care, but relieving those common reasons for avoiding it. Sedation dentistry allows patients to have dental work without feeling pain or experiencing anxiety.

Sedation dentistry uses sedative drugs in a safe way for patients to be calmed during dental procedures. You are not fully put to sleep, but the effects of the sedative can make you feel sleepy and it’s likely you won’t remember much about your dental work. It is formally regulated, and side effects are uncommon. Your dentist adjusts the amount of medication used to meet the needs of each patient. There are even choices about the sedation technique used. In the past, intravenous sedation delivered by injection was the most common. Today, alternatives like inhaling nitrous oxide and other approaches that don’t require needles are possible. Your dentist can discuss your options and help you decide which is best for you.

Pain management
Many patients are interested in sedation dentistry so that the pain felt during dental procedures is reduced. This is more than just numbing the area to be worked on; you can actually be put to sleep so you do not feel anything at all. Sedation dentistry is often recommended for sensitive procedures that have greater pain associated with them.

Another popular reason for sedation techniques is to relax the patient. This calms you during the procedure so that the dental work can be performed without increased risk of injury or avoidance. A common level of sedation for this purpose is called the twilight stage, which allows you to respond to the dentist but your awareness of the procedure itself is limited. This allows many patients to get through dental procedures much more comfortably as opposed to when fully awake and alert.

If you live in the Weymouth area contact us today


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